Omega-3 and pregnancy, a positive relationship

In our previous post, we mentioned that omega-3 does wonders to young children. But childhood isn’t where you start, pregnancy is. Partners, gear up, your pregnant other halves and the lives that are growing inside of them can benefit a lot from the adequate amount of omega-3 you feed them. All parents want to hear when they get an ultrasound is that the baby is well and healthy.

Having a regular intake of omega-3 can play a big part in helping the development of the brain, eyes an central nervous system. Imagine that, particles of these fatty acids will sprinkle all over the placenta and there grows a life with 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes with bright (but still closed) eyes. The intake of omega-3 peaks during the third trimester and that is when your baby will absorb majority of the acids passed to it.

When you are pregnant, you want the baby to grow safe and sound, and often you forget that what you eat affects both you and your baby. So ladies, you, too, can benefit from all that goodness. We’re too often told that women can fall into post-natal depression and research has shown that having an adequate amount of healthy acids during your pregnancy can reduce this risk. But the benefits don’t stop here. It also helps reduce the your baby’s eager to get out of the womb – or as the doctors would say, premature birth.

So how much fish should you have? 

The recommended amount of 2-3 servings of fish a week. You should include salmon, snapper, anchovy and fish that are low in mercury.

For more information, visit Omega-3 Centre