Easy Vietnamese fish recipes

Who loves Vietnamese cuisine? I sure do! Vietnamese cuisine is famous for the harmony in their flavour and seasoning. For these two recipes, you will need the following ingredients:




  • 1 blue cod head & 100gr of the fillet
  • 2 tomatoes, slices
  • Old ginger of about the size of a cherry tomato, chopped into thin slices coriander, spring onion, chopped roughly
  • Carrots, slices
  • Sesame oil

Caramelized fish:



  • Sugar, 1.5 tablespoon
  • 500gr blue cod fillet, cut into 5cm pieces
  • Spring onion, garlic, chopped
  • Fish sauce, 3.5 tablespoon
  • Olive oil, 1 tablespoon
  • Salt, 1/2 teaspoon
  • 300gr fried tofu
  • Pepper

Step-by-step instruction:


Boil about 500ml of water.

Put the ginger in first as this will take a while for the flavour to release.

While you wait for this to boil, boil another pot to cleanse the fish for about 10 seconds.

When the soup is boiled, put fish and carrot in and leave tomatoes last. Remove any bubbles and scales on the surface.

Season with salt, sugar a few drops of sesame oil.

Caramelised fish: 


Marinate the fillet and leave it in the fridge for about an hour, leave it outside for 20 minutes before you start cooking it.

Prepare your pan with oil and spread 2 tablespoons of sugar all over it. Use low gas to avoid burning the caramel as this can be quite tricky.

The sugar should start melting after 1 minute with heat on and shake the pan lightly to sizzle it.

Be careful not to stir it as it will crystallise! 

Once it becomes yellow or slightly tan, put the chopped onion heads and garlic in and don’t stir it. When the garlic becomes a little more yellow, put the fish in and softly stir them around. At this point the caramel will crystalise a bit on your spatula, but as you stir it slowly it will melt.

Turn gas on to medium and cook it slowly without stirring too much.

Add tofu in so it can soak in the sauces and when it’s ready, the tofu will be marinated too.

You end results should look like this! Good luck. I obviously could work on my food presentation a little bit.


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